Hi friends,
I have listed some of the Best selling and Top Safe Driving books which provides proven driving tips for your peaceful ride.
1. Books to Over come Fear of Driving:
The first book i choose to list is the one which can help you over come fear of Driving. One of the reasons many people face dangers while driving is due to sudden panic they have resulting in disasters.
How to Stop Anxiety & Panic Attacks: A Simple Guide to using a specific set of Techniques to Stop Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia, Social Phobia, Fear of Driving or Flying and Stress -Geert Verschaeve

Geert Verschaeve -Stop Fear of Driving
2. Driverthink. Reality Based Driving Tips, Ideas and Suggestions for the Everyday Driver [Kindle Edition] – Frank Miller

Frank Miller Author – Driver Think – Reality Based Driving Tips
Taking into account Reality of driving:
The focus on safe driving has always been to expound “Politically Correct” driving concepts that simply don’t take into account the Reality of driving a vehicle at high speed on modern roads and highways. Unskilled driving can definitely be dangerous . “Just Slow Down”, might not be the best advice on a highway where even the slow lanes are doing limit plus ten.
Click to Buy – Driverthink. Reality Based Driving Tips, Ideas and Suggestions for the Everyday Driver
3. Crash-Proof Your Kids: Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver – Timothy C. Smith
In Crash-proof Your Kids, certified driving instructor and dad Timothy Smith has combined the collective wisdom of numerous experts to develop the Crashproof Plan: a series of behind-the-wheel exercises designed to improve your teen’s driving awareness, behavior, and skill in a way that fits your schedule. Written in a highly accessible, informal, and often humorous style, this comprehensive plan begins where drivers’ education programs end, and includes:
• A step-by-step plan to develop your teen’s braking, car control, and defensive driving skills
• How to handle road emergencies and basic car maintenance
• Tips on helping your teen deal with dangerous distractions, including peer pressure and the use of alcohol and drugs
• The Crashproof Contract, which outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and rules of the road for both the teen and the parent
Click to Buy – Crash-Proof Your Kids: Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver
4. The Driving Book: Everything New Drivers Need to Know but Don’t Know to Ask
5. Drive Without Fear: The Insecure Driver’s Guide to Independence – Norman Klein
Norman klien’s Book Drive Without Fear is a must read for those who have fear of driving and are actively willing to come out of it.
Hope it Helps…Happy Reading and Safe Driving